Wednesday 18 January 2012

My Laptop up and Running

Hi friends

Been having trouble with my internet connection and internet explorer from my laptop this has been a problem for awhile now, now I have loaded windows 7 onto my computer and a antivisus programme and I am glad to say all is working perfect.

I am now able to connect from home and not relie on blogging during lunch time or when I have a free moment.

Well I am back at work my week's leave is something of the past did not get much done as I was trying to sort out my computer, I had to take all my photos, programes etc and copy to CDs which was quite a large job has I had a huge amount of family photos.  The weather did not help either as some days it was over 40 degrees that is cellcers.

Now that my computer is working and I am not stressing about it I can now focus on making my bears.



Friday 6 January 2012


Hi Friends

Sorry this is a few days late, but been having problems with my laptop, so had to wait to use my work computer.

I wish you all a very happy new year and to all those bear makers out there all the sucess with your creations.

I been busy with visitors over Christmas and new year so have not done much.  Had my Brother and sister in law visiting and my special Pal from the UK, have not seen her in two years so we been catching up and doing things together.

Will be sad to say goodbye to her again when she goes back next tuesday but we have enjoyed the time spent.

Enjoy your weekend

I am on leave for a week next week hoping to start making my new bear, cant wait.

